who made him president

Who made the President, President?

My antenna are in full reception mode. Since the Supreme Leader has appointed himself President of Mangoville, I have been barely able to sleep. Something about it is not right. Just him and Mysterious Admin get together and decide that Supreme Leader is President? Who is Mysterious Admin? Does he/she even exist? What if Supreme Leader himself is Mysterious Admin? Hmm….I know he has allowed me to write for this magazine, but that cannot buy my loyalty. Everyone is guilty until proven innocent.

I also don’t like that he is calling himself Supreme Leader. First he talks about Republic and Democracy and then uses words like Supreme Leader for himself. Maybe he should change his profile picture to some North Korean’s. I think his thoughts are influenced by Republic TV and he has started believing that a republic looks like that. A real leader should be among his people. Not hidden at home and streaming videos all the time. He is like those TV anchors who sit in studio all day and call themselves investigative journalists. Bah!

Talking about streaming videos, I have been binge watching Crime Patrol and Forensic files. Two series covering criminal cases couldn’t be more different. Crime Patrol is the best unintentional PR Indian police forces can get. Cops are always responsive, quick to action, reasonable and conscientious. Through Crime Patrol I have also learnt that most crimes can be solved using DNA tests and looking at call records. Additionally, if you look half as much like a suspect, there is 100% chance that you will be shipped to the lockup and given some ‘treatment’. There will be no apologies if you are not found guilty, which is often the case. Suspects are plenty so you can enjoy a fair bit of slapfest and falling at feet for mercy. Anoop Soni keeps popping in with social messages.

Forensic files does not bother itself much with lining up a parade of suspects. They are more or less convinced of guilt and true to the series title are mainly interested in gathering forensic evidence to nail the bad guy. The forensic techniques on display can often seem unbelievable, at times so much that you feel even the thought of committing crime can lob you into a maximum security prison. Plots are not much to talk about. It’s mostly husband killing wife killing husband. Which reminds me that I must keep an eye on Mishra ji too. He looks exactly the kind of person who would murder his wife.




