Sir I want to ask you something. Why authorities are not allowing Rickshaws on Airport Road? What is the crime of Rickshaw drivers that we have to tolerate this double standard? Mishra ji is telling me that this is like Upper Thighs. In Africa long time back white people treating black people badly. That is called Upper Thighs. Every time I am learning something new from Mishra ji.
Oh for God’s sake Rowdy, I said Apartheid. A-P-A-R-T-H-E-I-D
– Mango Mishra

Sir please tell me, are Rickshaw people so bad people that they cannot be driving to airport? Is the status of road becoming less if Rickshaw is driving on it? Is Airport becoming dirty when Rickshaw is parking there? Aunty Opinion is telling me that people are carrying too much luggage and it cannot able to fit inside rickshaw. I tell no problem, Rowdy will install luggage rack on top of Rickshaw. I am seeing so many kanjoos people getting dropped to airport on motorcycle, holding suitcase on their head. Then she is telling, no no Rowdy, rickshaw cannot able to drive fast, people missing flight. I am rolling on the floor laughing. Aunty not seen Rowdy driving. I am driving at rocket speed, faster than aeroplane. Passenger reaching airport yesterday for tomorrow flight. That much fast I am driving. Then she is telling, no no Rowdy, Rickshaw not allowed on National Highway. There is no toll fixed for Rickshaw, so they cannot able to tell how much to charge. Again I am ROFL. I say no problem. Don’t charge us toll only. We are happy
Sir, I am telling you why there are not allowing Rickshaw near airport. Because all fancy fancy foreign people are coming from airport. Government thinking Rickshaw is downmarket and spoiling impression of Mangoville. I am telling allow Rickshaw. At starting only foreigner will come to know reality of Mangoville. Then if they want, they can go back to airport and jump into return flight. No wasting time. If foreigner driving 50 kms on good good road, then reaching Baiganpally, he getting disappoint. It is no good manners to shock guest.

But I have solution to end this Upper Thigh. I am knowing since childhood that there is one secret road going to airport through jungle. For 20% less than taxi charges I can able to take passenger from that road. That road is ending just near runway. Along with Fruity Farookh I am done full investigation by drone and decide we can drop passenger very near to aeroplane. So much time passenger able to save by directly going to plane. Earlier Mishra ji is telling that he is reaching airport 3 hours before flight. Shiva Shiva Shiva. So much time waste. In that much time I can watch KGF Chapter 2 with 2 lunch breaks. Old Mishra ji is simply sitting on metal bench looking at other passengers for 3 hours. I am very excited with this plan. Supreme Leader is telling that he will reward people with good ideas. I am thinking I am taking my idea to him so he can give me money to launch project. If project is too good, I can able to make it into Babycorn
Unicorn, Rowdy. U-N-I-C-O-R-N. Awww forget it
– Supreme Leader
But Rowdy is not very studious anna. So Rowdy need help to make bijness plan. I am thinking that Handyman Harry is knowing lot of things. He is claiming he is allrounder like Sunil Gavaskar. He can able to fix puncture, leaking pipe, make my old phone like new, everything he is knowing. I am full confidence that he can make bijness plan also. Then along with the cunning shopkeeper brain of Fruity Farookh, we can turn this into big bijness and become rich. On Twitter I am sending SMS to boss of Mangoville Airlines. He is very famous and always writing big big SMS which people are liking all the time. I am writing to him about plan to drop passenger directly on runway. But he is replying with laughing emoji anna. On top of that he is sharing with all followers that Rickshaw Rowdy is a funny man. What he thinks, he is too smart? More smart than Supreme Leader? If I am making one call to Supreme Leader, he is puncturing all tyres of his aeroplane.
It is ok. Bijness plan is important. But road is more important. Right now I am thinking how Rickshaw will drive on that bad road. Some rich people with big tyres on big cars are driving there, but humble Rickshaw very difficult sir. I am trying one time but my Rickshaw is turning upside down and passenger getting angry and not paying fare. Forget 1.5 times fare, she is not paying half also. Total loss trip. On the way back I am meeting one leopard who is wanting to jump on Rickshaws and pull out passenger for food. I am offering him leftover idly and chutney from breakfast but he is wanting to eat passenger only. Luckily passenger is having some chicken biryani with him, so we offer biryani to leopard he is letting us go. Since then I am taking passenger on that road only if passenger is carrying chicken biryani. Because if passenger running away faster than Rowdy, then leopard is catching Rowdy.

Now I am getting one more idea anna. I can tell Fruity to make biryani because Mishra ji is saying biryani is costing one kidney at the airport. If we offer biryani + airport drop package, people can able to save so much money. Leopard anna is going to eat only one or two biryani in one day. Rest of biryani will be safe. For unlucky passenger whose biryani leopard anna is eating, we will offer 20 Rupees voucher on return trip. This is too good plan sir. I am already feeling rich.