Author: Rickshaw Rowdy
Melon Husk buys Jitter
Sir, I am not liking this Melon Husk fellow buying Jitter and bringing wash basin to office. What does he think he is? Last week one customer forgetting mobile phone in my auto rickshaw and I am going to his office to return, the security fellow is asking me stupid questions. Why? Who? When? All…
Rickshaw Rowdy has a business idea
Sir I want to ask you something. Why authorities are not allowing Rickshaws on Airport Road? What is the crime of Rickshaw drivers that we have to tolerate this double standard? Mishra ji is telling me that this is like Upper Thighs. In Africa long time back white people treating black people badly. That is…
Rickshaw Rowdy writes letter to Supreme Leader
Dear Respected Supreme Leader, father of Mangoville Nation, I hope you are finding this letter with good spirits because I am attaching one 750 ml bottle of Blue Riband Gin along with it. I know you are loving your single malts and craft brews anna, but me poor Rowdy can only afford this much since…
Correct. Rowdy is an illiterate buffoon only
Dear Annas and Akkas of Mangoville, Someone is trying to spread false impression that Rickshaw Rowdy is illiterate buffoon. Sir, tell me something. Is anyone in today’s world illiterate? When I was 4 years old, my mother was daily dragging me to municipality school against my wishes. I am going on telling her that I…
Rickshaw Rowdy gets feedback friendly
Everyone is telling me I am no good. That I am not driving my auto rickshaw even to the airport, which is 50 kms away. I have decided to change. Now I will not only go to airport, but also take feedback. Not like those taxi fellows. I am making my own feedback form which…
We also have feelings Sir
Everyone is telling me that I am good for nothing and I am loafing at auto rickshaw stand ogling at ladies. This is so wrong sir. Only lies, no truth. I am good and honest man sir. But still people telling same thing again and again. I got angry and started calling myself Rickshaw Rowdy…