Author: Superpower Swamy
Alright, I admit defeat. But I was not in a race. I simply wasted lot of time in naming my AI Chatbot. I always wanted to name it ChatSwamy, but Mishra ji was not in favour of it. According to him it sounded like the name of a pani puri shop, the sort that has…
Superpower Swamy unveils K-Pop app
Chaos is what you get when you don’t avail services of experts. Supreme Leader has been going around asking for donations to fill potholes of Baiganpally roads, completely oblivious to the fact that I have the exact superpowers needed to solve the problem. He was also seen urging people to use public transport when I…
The wait gets longer
Dear disciples, followers, cronies and servants, I know all of you have been waiting eagerly for my next article. I have been away for a while, trying to learn new super powers. It required me to be in isolation, which I found at the top of Mangomalai Hill. Almost. Our local idiot Rickshaw Rowdy was…
Golden tips for making viral posts
Friends, fellow mango people and wannabe social media stars. Today I am going to teach you how to make viral posts which will get millions of Likes, Shares and Subscribes on social media. I, Superpower Swamy must use his super powers to help the mango people of Mangoville live rich, meaningful lives with purpose. Instead…
The hole is me and I am the hole
I am getting tired of scientists. They keep coming up with new theories about black holes. If only they had consulted Superpower Swamy about these mysterious objects, the matter would have been settled once and for all. How can science understand black holes? How can they understand something that cannot be seen, cannot be investigated?…