Category: Arts
Don’t mess with Macho Murugan
Before anyone asks me, let me clarify. I am not a Rajnikant fan. Now that we have it out of the way, I will tell you something about myself. I was born in Gobichettypalayam taluk. Have you ever heard of the place? Good. I hadn’t heard of it either, until my mother told me. All…
The epic business of ‘quoting’
Today I am interviewing our very own Mango Mishra – aka Mishra ji, self proclaimed mango man who claims that no one takes him seriously. Mishra ji is trying to start a new business. Let’s find out what he is up to AUNTY: What are you doing these days? MISHRA JI: Writing new sections for…
Shorting my fuse over ‘Shorts’
I am convinced that reverse Darwinism is in progress and the stupid shall claim the world. Nothing else explains the proliferation of ‘shorts’ in streaming platforms.These so called ‘shorts’, or ultra short ‘movies’ ranging between 10-15 minutes cannot even be called an ‘insult to intelligence’ because they get over before intelligence gets activated. One would…