Category: News
Fruity Farookh opens a restaurant
After I won entrepreneur of the month award, Mangoville State Bank offered me a loan to start a restaurant, even when I didn’t ask for one. They said “take it, we don’t even open accounts for anyone until they perform 108 surya namaskars in front of us and here we are at your doorstep with…
Transparency Zindabad
Our Supreme Leader is known for his candid views on matters related to governance. For instance, last week in an interview to international news portal Al Bagheera, he said that 90% of Mangovillains are stupid and hence policies do not bear fruit. He also said that only complaints will not do and citizens need to…
Melon Husk buys Jitter
Sir, I am not liking this Melon Husk fellow buying Jitter and bringing wash basin to office. What does he think he is? Last week one customer forgetting mobile phone in my auto rickshaw and I am going to his office to return, the security fellow is asking me stupid questions. Why? Who? When? All…
Handyman Harry makes ‘Business Plan’
Rickshaw Rowdy is after my life, asking me to make a business plan for his airport drop services. He thinks that just because I can tinker with laptops, plumbing pipes and electrical sockets, I am some kind of superman. His attitude and body language has changed from greedy to needy and to be honest, I…
Is Baiganpally investment friendly?
Public Notice I have stupendous news to share with all you citizens of Baiganpally ! Maximum Mojo Motors (MMM), the largest automobile company in Mangoville is planning to set up another factory, this time in Baiganpalli. They have asked me to allocate land for the factory. But it is not as straightforward as it sounds.…
The disappearance of Baby Malini (Final Chapter)
Click to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 Anna, KGF Chapter 2 is out. I was dying to watch it but not getting time because of Snoopy Susie who has dragged me into this kidnapping case. As if that was not enough, we now have to visit the castle of Count…
The disappearance of Baby Malini (Part 4)
Click here to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 Ok, my antenna are in full reception mode. I read what Mishra ji had written about Malini’s past attempts at running away from home. I am inclined to believe that is the case on this occasion too. To get my hands dirty, I have…
The disappearance of Baby Malini (Part 3)
Click here to read Part 1 and Part 2 I have to admit I am getting a bit worried about Malini’s disappearance, no matter what Inspector Macho Murugan says about my indifferent attitude. But there is a history to my not pressing the panic button. The thing is that Malini has done this disappearing act…
The disappearance of Baby Malini (Part 2)
Click here to read Part 1 I am sure you are aware of Snoopy Susie’s proposal on ‘collaborating’ on this case, which I have already accepted. She thinks I don’t have brains like her and that she can add value to my investigation. Bah. She has no clue how smart we cops are. We only…
The disappearance of Baby Malini (Part 1)
Alright! My antenna are in full reception mode. Although I have not been officially contacted to investigate the disappearance of Baby Malini, I am quite sure that the bumbling Inspector Macho Murugan is going to make a mess of it. He does not understand human psychology like I do. So I have landed at the…