Category: News
Rickshaw Rowdy gets feedback friendly
Everyone is telling me I am no good. That I am not driving my auto rickshaw even to the airport, which is 50 kms away. I have decided to change. Now I will not only go to airport, but also take feedback. Not like those taxi fellows. I am making my own feedback form which…
We have a detective in our midst!
I have allowed Snoopy Susie to write for this magazine. After all, detectives are mango people too. To be honest I wasn’t very keen. In her introductory letter she wrote “Everyone is guilty till proven innocent”. She was looking at me with suspicious eyes, as if I have committed some major crime myself. Thank god…
Couple hurt in Accident. Buffalo involved
Ashok is a victim of (his own) stupidity. That is not his real name however, as we wish to protect his identity for fear of trolling by mean people. Ashok, a first year B.Com student at a well known college in South Baiganpally area and the opening batsman of the Mangoville Under 19-Over 18 cricket…