Category: Nonsense
Handyman Harry makes ‘Business Plan’
Rickshaw Rowdy is after my life, asking me to make a business plan for his airport drop services. He thinks that just because I can tinker with laptops, plumbing pipes and electrical sockets, I am some kind of superman. His attitude and body language has changed from greedy to needy and to be honest, I…
Rickshaw Rowdy has a business idea
Sir I want to ask you something. Why authorities are not allowing Rickshaws on Airport Road? What is the crime of Rickshaw drivers that we have to tolerate this double standard? Mishra ji is telling me that this is like Upper Thighs. In Africa long time back white people treating black people badly. That is…
The wait gets longer
Dear disciples, followers, cronies and servants, I know all of you have been waiting eagerly for my next article. I have been away for a while, trying to learn new super powers. It required me to be in isolation, which I found at the top of Mangomalai Hill. Almost. Our local idiot Rickshaw Rowdy was…
With due respect Sir, you are an idiot
I have had it with people using expressions without bothering to check if they really fit into the context. What is the temptation to add unnecessary flourish to your language in ordinary conversations? However if you ask me, flourish is better than incorrect use. What annoys me most is people using expressions without knowing what…
A well deserved visit to the barber
This morning I visited our local barber Kannan after a long time. Since Covid I have gotten used to infrequent haircuts. The strategy is to cut it real short because this has two fold benefits. The first is obvious – you save money as your next visit is pushed further away. The second is that…
Golden tips for making viral posts
Friends, fellow mango people and wannabe social media stars. Today I am going to teach you how to make viral posts which will get millions of Likes, Shares and Subscribes on social media. I, Superpower Swamy must use his super powers to help the mango people of Mangoville live rich, meaningful lives with purpose. Instead…
How New Year is determined in Mangoville
I am losing my bearings. I mean how many new years are possible? Last week at the beginning of Navaratri my mother called me and wished me new year, simultaneously expressing displeasure at my old habit of not remembering anything. Now someone is telling me that today is new year. On social media everyday someone…
The hole is me and I am the hole
I am getting tired of scientists. They keep coming up with new theories about black holes. If only they had consulted Superpower Swamy about these mysterious objects, the matter would have been settled once and for all. How can science understand black holes? How can they understand something that cannot be seen, cannot be investigated?…
Rickshaw Rowdy gets feedback friendly
Everyone is telling me I am no good. That I am not driving my auto rickshaw even to the airport, which is 50 kms away. I have decided to change. Now I will not only go to airport, but also take feedback. Not like those taxi fellows. I am making my own feedback form which…