Category: Technology
AI in policing: Macho Murugan steps up
Supreme Leader is after my life. He wants to know how we can leverage Artificial Intelligence to create a better policing experience for citizens . I don’t know what he means by that. Using so many complicated words in a sentence when I am just B.A. pass. People don’t want to experience police. They want…
Alright, I admit defeat. But I was not in a race. I simply wasted lot of time in naming my AI Chatbot. I always wanted to name it ChatSwamy, but Mishra ji was not in favour of it. According to him it sounded like the name of a pani puri shop, the sort that has…
Superpower Swamy unveils K-Pop app
Chaos is what you get when you don’t avail services of experts. Supreme Leader has been going around asking for donations to fill potholes of Baiganpally roads, completely oblivious to the fact that I have the exact superpowers needed to solve the problem. He was also seen urging people to use public transport when I…
All hail the Senior Deputy Assistance Executive Vice President
People wonder why I am called Mysterious Admin. Is it just a ruse meant to trick people into believing that I am an interesting character? Or is the because I do my job as an Admin in a mysterious manner? Maybe the Supreme Leader wants that people should be scared of the Admin and calling…
Golden tips for making viral posts
Friends, fellow mango people and wannabe social media stars. Today I am going to teach you how to make viral posts which will get millions of Likes, Shares and Subscribes on social media. I, Superpower Swamy must use his super powers to help the mango people of Mangoville live rich, meaningful lives with purpose. Instead…
How New Year is determined in Mangoville
I am losing my bearings. I mean how many new years are possible? Last week at the beginning of Navaratri my mother called me and wished me new year, simultaneously expressing displeasure at my old habit of not remembering anything. Now someone is telling me that today is new year. On social media everyday someone…
Purchasing a ticket for space travel
The Mangoville Space Research Centre is now taking people on a round trip of the earth in a space capsule. I was thrilled and went to their office to buy a ticket. After filling the form I went to the payment counter. COUNTER: Hey, in this form where you are supposed to mention your gender…
Aunty Opinion interviews Rickshaw Rowdy
Rickshaw Rowdy needs no introduction. He can always been seen loafing around at the neighbourhood rickshaw stand, refusing to drive to any location, whether the beauty parlour or the airport. No distance is long enough for him. I decided to interview him to understand his opinion on the economy, among other things. Aunty: Rowdy, how…
Mishra ji’s laptop has been hacked !
I knew it. This had to happen. The trigger happy Mishra ji is always clicking on dubious links. I have told him so many times not to even open mails coming from anyone pretending to be Nigerian, but he doesn’t care. To his credit, this time the sender was from Cameroon, so Mishra ji was…