Gone girl

The disappearance of Baby Malini (Part 1)

Alright! My antenna are in full reception mode. Although I have not been officially contacted to investigate the disappearance of Baby Malini, I am quite sure that the bumbling Inspector Macho Murugan is going to make a mess of it. He does not understand human psychology like I do. So I have landed at the residence of Malini’s father Mishra ji to ask him a few questions

girl kidnapped 1
girl kidnapped 2
girl kidnapped 1
girl kidnapped 1

As you can see, Mishra ji is quite clueless. I probed him further and it seems his only worry is that he might have to pay a huge ransom if Baby Malini has been kidnapped. He also asked me if I had any idea how much money one makes on Instagram and if Malini can pay her own ransom. Apparently Mishra ji’s son Babloo also has plans to escape from the house. But I am not sure if Malini has escaped, been kidnapped or worse. His wife is at her parents’ house in Totapuri since she and Mishra ji fought over how much the brinjal needs to be roasted for making bharta. According to her, Malini has been missing since Sunday, as she last spoke to her mother on that day.

Since Malini’s laptop and Scooty are also missing, and it was a Sunday, it indicates one of the following

  • She went to a friend’s place to study
  • She planned to go out for a few days and would need her laptop
  • She wanted to sell her laptop or get it repaired

Ok. I have no clue how I am going to do all the above. I have no money to bribe anyone either. Maybe I should make friends with Inspector Murugan after all. His network and my intelligence is a deadly combination.

Netflix cop
Macho Murugan agrees to help Snoopy Susie

I can’t believe Inspector Murugan agreed so easily ! Chalo, at least there is someone who appreciates my brains.

To be continued…..



