First Townhall

Baiganpally’s first Town Hall

After allegations of dictatorial behaviour, I have decided to address some concerns of the public through a virtual town hall. Henceforth the Town Hall shall be conducted regularly, albeit only virtually, considering I have received some threats of drowning me in Crocodile Lake.

Dear Aunty,

I share your concern. My attempts to reach the chief of the electricity company have not yielded results so far. Apparently the Chief is holidaying in Switzerland due to frequent power cuts in Baiganpally. His mobile is also switched off. Due to power cuts in Switzerland he hasn’t been able to charge his phone. I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true. He deserves it.


Dear Paranoid Pooja,

Investigations have revealed that the menacing looking man is none other than your husband whom you have locked in the bedroom since 3 months. Please release him and he will stop looking at you in a menacing manner.

Dear Mango Mishra,

A pothole is defined as a cavity on the surface of the road, not less than 1 inch deep and twelve inches wide. This is the description provided in the ‘Mangoville Handbook of Pothole Detection”, published by our esteemed Department for Publication of Handbooks on Anything. I am bound to agree with the official figure, unless someone can prove to the contrary. I am sure you are not going to drive around counting 4 million potholes, hence please agree to the number and move ahead. The government always wins on statistics. Resistance is futile.

Dear Mysterious Admin,

This time during the auction I have asked the bidders to keep one of their children with us as security deposit. The children will be returned to their parents after 10 years of good service. I have kept strict standards for speed and call drops. Failure to maintain speeds will result in us keeping their kids longer than 10 years. All the bidders have deposited their children with us, with one of the bidders stating that we can keep his troublesome son with us forever. That bidder has been disqualified.


Dear Tikka Singh,

It is not possible for us to intervene in business matters. Please form your own association and decide that no one will offer discounts. Sit on dharna outside apartment complexes with torn clothes and begging bowls. Burn some effigies. From my own experience of agitation I have found that throwing rotten tomatoes and eggs on people is highly effective, but I know prices are already very high, you would rather make curries from rotten tomatoes than throw them away. As a substitute, I recommend throwing old chappals at your customers. I have a large stock of chappals which my wife refuses to discard, so I can offer them for free if you can somehow showcase it as a robbery.

Dear Swamy,

I have time and again told you that the Ashram does not belong to you. You are a squatter who has been allowed to get away for a long time. One day the ‘kanoon ka lamba haath’ will catch up with you. We are not going to ban superhero movies or any other type of movie. Your non existent super powers are not worth learning even for free. So no thank you for the 50% discount. I am putting out a public advisory that any promotional offers from your Ashram are to be treated as a scam-in-the-making. People are to attend at their own risk.

Dear Troll,

You just made my day. I love how you trolls write. Muaaah. Don’t worry, we are not tracking your IP address. Please troll from home so that you don’t have to step out of the house and interact with civilisation. I am also proposing to set up a Committee for Welfare of Trolls, so that we can allocate vacant basements to you free of charge where you can stay away from public gaze 365 days of the year. Subsidised food will be kept near the basement shutter 3 times a day.

Dear Susie,

Sorry to hear that you are receiving unwanted attention. I have asked Inspector Murugan to keep an eye till things die down. I am curious to know what Byomkesh Da is supposed to look like. Don’t say Rajit Kapur. He is just an actor. And I do hope you know that Byomkesh Bakshi is a fictional character, so even if Rajit Kapur was to land up at your house, you should know that it is not Byomkesh Da.

Dear Murugan,

It will take more than AK-47 to make crime vanish. By the way, Rambo movies are not police movies, so don’t even try those stunts. Moreover there is no need to be so trigger happy in cases like chain snatching. We don’t want shooting at public places. Please curb your Rambo tendencies.

Dear Uncle EyeEmEff,

You are always painting pictures of gloom and doom. I know the economy can be better but vague descriptions comparing to clouds and mountains are not very useful. If you have any concrete suggestions please come forward and we may implement them. That is the whole purpose of Town Hall. This is not an opportunity to describe doomsday imagery. Sometimes I wonder if you are really an economist or a dramatist.

Please stop this cringe and do not go overboard. I also have no intention of being President for life. However you are allowed to worship me for other reasons. I am just curious to know why you want to stop with the seventh generation.




